Hazelnut Hummus

The holidays are here and everyone always goes NUTS for hazelnuts. I wanted to take that flavour and bring it into a snack/lunch that is healthy, wholesome and perfect for the holidays. This hummus recipe is super easy and full of fiber that it will keep you full throughout the day.

Aside from it being healthy, it also tastes delicious. We all know that hazelnut and Chocolate are a match made in heaven but Iā€™m confident that you will love the hazelnut and nutmeg combo as well!


The Recipe


  • 2 tins 540ml Chickpeas

  • 100 g hazelnuts

  • 2 Tbsp Tahini

  • 2 tsp red or white wine vinegar

  • 1 tsp nutmeg

  • 1 cup water

  • 2 to 3 tsp salt (to taste)


  1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

  2. Place hazelnuts on unlined baking sheet and bake in oven for 8-10 minutes or until darkened in colour, stirring halfway through.

  3. Drain chickpeas.

  4. Add chickpeas, tahini and baked hazelnuts into food processor and blend until mixture is completely combined.

  5. Add nutmeg, salt, water and vinegar into food processor and blend until desired consistency.

  6. Serve with fresh vegetables, fruit, toast, breads or crackers.

Bonus Tip!!!

  • Replace the nutmeg in the recipe for cinnamon for a spicier taste or even as an addition to the nutmeg in the hummus.

  • This hummus pairs great with pares, apples, pita, grapes, carrots and melba toast.


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