Smore Cocktail


What happens when you put all the goodness of summer into one cocktail?

You get the most nostalgic and delicious cocktail that is everything great about s’mores with that “Yeah I’m an Adult” feeling!

Here’s what you’ll need:

1 oz Grey Goose vodka
2 oz Baileys
3 oz hot milk
1 oz chocolate sauce (sweet evaporated Milk 150 ml, 40 g 70% to 90% chocolate, 1 tsp cocoa powder melted together in a sauce pan)
1 Tbsp graham crumb
1 large marshmallow


  1. Poke marshmallow onto the end of a skewer and put aside.

  2. Heat milk and put aside.

  3. In a heat proof glass or mug (a non heat proof glass may explode), add 1 oz of vodka and light with a torch.

  4. Once vodka is lit (this might be a bit tedious) toast your marshmallow over the flame until its perfectly golden brown. then put aside.

  5. Add in the baileys (carefully, the vodka will be very hot) then milk followed by the toasted marshmallow.

  6. drizzle with chocolate and gram cracker crumb and enjoy!

I recommend you grab a spoon and enjoy the gooey marshmallow first!

Check out my Instagram post for a video tutorial! Link Below

Until next time,

Chef Clay Smith




Honey Cake